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Life is busy, but it is a healthy practice to be grateful and give thanks. While people generally prefer the easy road, it is the problems in life that really make us better people. Struggles often result in creative problem solving, bonds within a community, good will, hope and eventually an appreciation for what we have been given, no matter how small.

Getting past the winter storm of 2021 was a challenge that has given us new awareness of the fagility of our instrastucture across the state. Once the storm subsided, your directors and staff at Mustang Valley Water didn't forget. We got busy.

Our efforts to protect the system and our members has resulted in upgraded insulation on all well piping, and the installation of wall heaters and solid doors on all well houses. In addition, two more projects will be undertaken very soon. A pipe will be cut inside the tank at Well 7 to correct a design flaw that allowed the water to freeze, and quick connects will be installed at all the sites to allow easy use of backup generators. Plus, the SCADA system is almost complete. It will be an early warning system and will allow some remote management.

I feel blessed to live in Bosque County. There are a lot of good, faithful people here that will lend a hand when you are in need and include an encouraging smile. So give thanks and pay it forward.